Macrotrachela papillosa: whirling; specimen from (5) |
Macrotrachela papillosa: two aspects of the anterior region of a creeping specimen. When the corona is retracted the integument is folded into a "collar". In the ight image the rostrum with two-lobed lamella is also visible.. |
Macrotrachela papillosa: two aspects of a creeping specimen. Because of the conspicuous transversal folds on the ventral integument this species can be confused with Pleuretra lineata. |
Macrotrachela papillosa: foot with spurs and 3 toes (which is a trait to distinguish from Pleuretra (4 toes)). The spurs have a distinct tip. upper images: specimen from (1); lower image: specimen from (2) |
Macrotrachela papillosa is oviparous; specimen with egg. |
Macrotrachela papillosa: focal plane on the trophi with dental formula 2/2-5/5. |
Macrotrachela papillosa: ramate trophi of specimen with dental formula 4/4 (4) |
Macrotrachela papillosa; another specimen from (2). The triangles point to the hook-like protrusions of the last neck pseudosegment. Also visible are the protrusions of the last trunk segment (left). |
Macrotrachela papillosa; whirling could be rarely observed (specimen from (3)). |
Macrotrachela papillosa; whirling (specimen from (5)). |
Macrotrachela papillosa; ramate trophi of specimen from (4). |
Differential diagnosis: M. papillosa maybe confused with M. aculeata, M. multispinosa and Pleuretra lineata. M. aculeata has a granulated foot with a bump on the 1st footsegement. M. multispinosa has spines instead of blunt protrusions on trunk integument. Pleuretra lineata has 4 toes and no protrusions. |
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Location: Wahner Heide near Cologne/ Germany (1), Haspelmoor, Bavaria (2); Nature reserve Schwalm/Nette (3); Gevelsberg, Green Classroom, moss (4); Italy, Dolomite Alps (5), |
Habitat: bog with submerged mosses; sphagnum bog (2,3), wet moss(4); Sphagnum moss (5) |
Date: 12.03.2010 (1); 26.08.2012 (2); 19.12.2012 (3) 24.3.2009 (4); 08.11.2017 (5) |